Sunday, December 7, 2014

Visited Nokomis, Tampa, & Sarasota Florida this past November for our Nephew's wedding to Pri.  What a great opportunity to be a part of this important family event.  Also great to experience
Florida for the first time during November.  Flew out of Columbus on Southwest- 2 round trip tickets for around 600.00- Rented a car at enterprise for 260.00 for 4 days.  Most of our time was spent helping to set up-attend- and tear down for the wedding, but had lots of time to enjoy the ocean on Longboat Island.

 These ocean scenes were new to us- warn temperatures for November coming after the Gulf waters had already cooled resulting in a heavy fog- something neither of us had seen before on the beach.

 Got my usual Grouper Sandwich at the Old Salty Dog after we tore down the wedding and was headed back through Sarasota to Nokomis and the family home.

 We hate to fly, but this trip on Southwest as surprisingly nice using preferred seating. only 1;50 minutes each way- Columbus, Ohio to Tampa Florida